Dru Yoga Australia
Office: 6161 1462 Web: druyoga.com/au/home Well Connected Kids Pam Houssenloge is local author of Oscar’s Lunchbox, a children's story dealing with food intolerances and how to make healthy choices. Web: www.wellconnectedkids.com.au Adventures in Music, Movement and Wellbeing Gary and Carol Crees have a brilliant selection of music and yoga CDs, DVDs and training manuals for children and classroom teachers. Web: www.adventuresinmusic.com.au Imagined Worlds Storyteller, dance/drama teacher, arts educator and writer, Tanya Batt offers professional development workshops and books and cds to inspire the imagination. Web: www.imagined-worlds.net |
Pre & Post Natal Yoga
Julia Willoughby has a wealth of experience with pre and post natal yoga yoga classes, preparing mothers for birth and beyond in holistic ways. Web: www.yogaforbirthandbeyond.com.au Calm Birth Canberra, Calmparent & Better Breathing Tracey Anderson Askew, is a childbirth and parenting educator, and the Director of the Better Breathing Centre in Canberra. She uses many techniques working to improve people’s calmness during major events in life. Mobile: 0414 267 791 Web: www.calmbirthcanberra.com.au Rocking Horse Music Emma Zen specialises in early childhood music education across Canberra and beyond. Web: www.rockinghorsemusic.com.au |
The Yoga Garden acknowledges the sacred land upon which we practice yoga.
We show our respect to the traditional custodians, the Ngunnawal People, and to Elders past and present, for passing on their stories, and continuing their culture and connection to land. |